Need ADA Accessibility Website Compliance on Squarespace? We Can Help!

In today’s digital age, ensuring your website is accessible to everyone is crucial. This includes complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards, which prohibits discrimination based on disability. A website that isn’t ADA compliant can create barriers for users with visual, auditory, motor, or cognitive impairments.

Here at Next Level Advise, we understand the importance of ADA website compliance for Squarespace websites. We offer comprehensive solutions to help you make your website accessible to all users, regardless of their abilities.

What is ADA Website Compliance?

ADA website compliance refers to making your website usable by people with disabilities. This includes features like:

Why is ADA Website Compliance Important?

There are several reasons why ADA website compliance is important:

FAQs about ADA Website Compliance on Squarespace

Squarespace offers built-in accessibility features, but achieving full compliance might require additional customization. We can help you assess your website’s accessibility and implement the necessary changes.

The cost depends on the level of customization needed for your website. We offer flexible solutions to fit your budget.

We recommend consulting with a lawyer regarding potential legal risks.

Don’t wait to make your website accessible!

Contact us today for a free consultation on your Squarespace website’s ADA compliance. We’ll help you create a website that’s inclusive and welcoming to everyone.

Project Details:

This job is to alter code to make the EXISTING website compliant with the WAVE Accessibility tool. NOT to create a new website.

Google Maps Integration

I am looking for a programmer who has experience with Squarespace CSS and custom code to make several restaurant websites compatible with the WAVE accessibility tool. Every page will need to pass without errors or contrast errors.

I have several restaurants I need to do this with.

This job is for ONE site but if you do well I will have more sites for you to do.





















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